In this month of celebrating the great women of this country, we thought it might be appropriate to talk about something that many women seem to care about – and that is weight loss.
Of course, it’s not only a female issue, as many men, though they may not feel that they need to look slim and trim like the ladies, for health reasons also need to deal with being overweight. So, we thought members of both sexes would be interested to know that one way you can weigh less is through simply getting more sleep. Sleep more to weigh less? – yes it’s true!
Why is this?
Well, research shows that recently in many countries people are getting less sleep, and this seems to be directly correlating with more overweight populations. The sleep issue generally has to do with ever-increasing stress, but still, why would this result in the kind of obesity problem that these countries face?
An enlightening article from the American Sleep Foundation says, ‘’In response to these trends, many researchers began to hypothesise about potential connections between weight and sleep. Numerous studies have suggested that restricted sleep and poor sleep quality may lead to metabolic disorders, weight gain, and an increased risk of obesity and other chronic health conditions.
While there is continuing debate within the medical community about the exact nature of this relationship, the existing research points to a positive correlation between good sleep and healthy body weight.’’
So, here are a few important facts and pointers that may assist you in understanding the link between lack of sleep and obesity.
- Lack of sleep can lead to metabolic disorders – According to research, it has been firmly established with children (but is less clear with adults) that lack of sleep tends to lead to metabolic disorders like skipping a healthy breakfast and the unhealthy intake of too much salt, sugar, fatty and starchy foods. All of these can, for various medical and dietary reasons, lead to weight gain.
- Lack of sleep tends to lead to a lack of exercise – As is commonly known, people who sleep less experience mental fatigue and distress during the day and this, combined with the tiredness from lack of sleep, generally leads to doing way less exercise. This, of course also leads to poor health and weight gain.
- More sleep assists weight loss programs – If you are on a weight loss program they generally call for more exercise and dietary changes to improve your metabolism. As has just been stated, lack of sleep can affect both of these so by simply not sleeping well you can be sabotaging your weight loss program.
The mattress that gets you sleeping again!
We at Truform Bedding have published many articles about ways to obtain better sleep and it is clear that you need to source and follow some of these to ensure that you are doing so. One of the very best ways to ensure a great night’s sleep every night is to sleep on a Truform mattress. They are ergonomically designed for better postural support but their firmness is balanced with their softness from an additional comfort layer under the quilting.
Contact us to talk about your dream mattress – or try one at a store near you! Yes, it’s your turn to start sleeping longer – and quite possibly, weighing less!